C | OMMITTMENT – Regularly attend an after-school activity. |
P | RIDE – Represent the academy at a sporting, cultural or academic event. |
I | NTEGRITY – Take part in a residential programme. |
C | ULTURAL AWARENESS – Attend a national sporting, cultural or academic event. |
P | ARTICIPATION – Take part in an academy production or event. |
M | OTIVATION – Lead a formal presentation to an audience. |
T | OLERANCE – Be actively involved in an international experience. |
R | ESPECT – Be actively involved in a community experience. |
C | OMPASSION – Participate in a fundraising event within the academy. |
R | ESPONSIBILITY – Help with the sustainability of the academy. |
Pledges information
Pledges is a rewards system which encourages our students to participate in a range of character building opportunities which enhances their learning and development. It is a great way to engage with extra-curricular involvement within and outside of the Academy.
Through achieving the ten pledges that range from attending enrichment activities to organising fundraising events, students gain confidence and valuable life experiences that will help to prepare them for life beyond our academy.
Pledges encourage our students to become actively involved in our wider school community and to realise that their experiences whilst at school stretch further than the classroom. By promoting independence and teamwork, students can apply new skills and improved confidence to all aspects of their lives. Whether it鈥檚 representing our academy on stage, on the field or on excursions, the pledges encourage our students to get involved, make new friends and take pride in all they do.
We aim for all students to achieve all pledges during their time at 91直播.